A Thanksgiving Prayer


As we prepare our hearts to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family, I want to thank you for your wonderful blessings to me.  Thank you for providing for all my needs and many of my wants – for food, shelter, clothing, and a million extras that I so easily take for granted.   Thank you for my  many friends and family members who so richly bless my life.   Thank you that even though we are often separated by our jobs and responsibilities we are bound together by so many rich and wonderful memories.   Thank you for the privilege to live in America, where I can worship you with freedom, without fear of imprisonment or death.    And most of all, thank you for giving us Christ Jesus our Lord; who willingly provided us deliverance from your wrath by His own death and resurrection.   Thank you for protecting me from my self, for working in me to will and do of your good pleasure.  Thank you that you meet me every morning with mercy, grace and forgiveness that I don’t deserve.  Thank you for your Word that has provided guidance and wisdom throughout my life, that it has been a light and lamp to my pathway.    Thank you for your presence in your Spirit that lives with in me, to convict, teach and guide.   Thank you for the hope of tomorrow, that regardless of the trial or hardship I can trust in you to always do what’s best for me.

I am truly blessed, and I thank you.

Psalm 100:4,5 “Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.  For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and Its truth endures to all generations.”

May our Lord be blessed with the words of our mouth, may our hearts be filled with thanksgiving.

Pastor Steve