Hope for the Hopeless John 11:1-16

And Jesus, “cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth”.  The raising of Lazarus is the single greatest earthly miracle Jesus ever performed.   It was also the most costly, for it led directly to the Cross. This astonishing miracle was performed for three basic reasons:   First, to present Christ’s glory...

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Do You Believe?

In John 10:28 Jesus gives us a stunning promise when He says, “ I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand…”  When I think of my eternal security in Christ, it reminds me of my Father’s unconditional...

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To Graduates:

One behalf of Grace Baptist we want to congratulate you our graduates for your success in getting your diploma.  Having walked that path myself I know it took a long time and a lot of work to get to where you are today.  Making it through twelve years of high...

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Happy Mother’s Day

Mothers are a gift from God, and every human being has one.  So Mother’s Day is really a special day for everyone, a day for thanking God for his goodness in giving us mothers.  It is an occasion of opportunity to express gratitude and honor through acts of giving, love...

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The Good Shepherd

The primary characteristic of the good shepherd is that his love for His sheep was stronger than death.  Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”  The disciples never could get over the fact that Jesus loved them so much he was...

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The Resurrection

As a Christian the resurrection is without question the most important event in all of history.   The reason is that everything that we believe about Christ and His gift of salvation hinges on the resurrection.   As the Apostle Paul said, “If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain,...

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The Blind Beggar – John 9

In our story on “the Blind Beggar” the disciples ask a question, “Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?”  This question reveals a mindset that dominated the thinking of that day, which is that all human suffering was because of sin. There is...

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The Lord’s Supper

In Luke chapter 22 we have the powerful story of our Lord instituting the “Lord’s Supper”.  As the hour quickly approaches, Jesus knows that this will be the last time He will celebrate the Passover with His disciples.   Jesus does something very amazing here; linking “The Day of Atonement” with...

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