Note from the Pastor

I trust that this letter finds you full of joy and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m sure you have been troubled by the images coming across the T.V. screen of the riots across our nation. It feels like our nation is on the verge of collapse, with so much upheaval in the land. I want to remind you that God is Sovereign over all things. Please don’t let that thought escape your thinking. He is Sovereign over protests, He is Sovereign over the virus, He is Sovereign over every aspect of your life. This morning I went outside and was greeted by the peaceful delights that a new summer day can offer. Then suddenly all was not peaceful. As I walked across the yard, I was greeted by two very aggressive barn swallows, swooping down upon me to let me know to get away from their nest. Their stressing out comes from a lack of knowledge about who I am. They are clueless to the fact that the very home they live in was built by the man they are attacking. They are clueless to the fact that my presence actually brings much more safety to their baby birds. Were a cat or a snake or any other menacing creature to approach their nest, I would faithfully protect them. It’s the same thing when considering our Sovereign God. One of the reasons that we struggle and stress about the things around us is that we don’t trust our God’s Sovereignty. The single greatest comfort that a child of God can have is to rest by faith in the fact that God is absolutely in control over all things. If you missed last Sunday’s Sermon, I encourage you to listen to it on our website. It addresses the matter of the “Sovereignty of God in Suffering”.  My prayer is that you will be able to “Cast all your care on Christ, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.