Notes From Pastor Stephen’s Sermon – Serving God in the Last Days

1 Peter 4:1-3

Attitudes for end-time believers.

In the last days…

1.Christians should have an attitude of commitment. 

2. Christians should live with an attitude of wisdom.

3. Christians should live with an attitude of serious prayer

4. Christians should live with an attitude of love.

Why pray?

  1. Because there is a devil
  2. Pray is God’s appointed way of obtaining things.
  3. It’s how we find daily cleansing.  I Jn. 1:9
  4. Pray is God’s design for the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Understanding your time of trial

1. Enduring trials with the right attitude.

2. The difference between suffering as a Christian and suffering as an evildoer.

3. Committing your soul to God in the midst of suffering.


Let those who suffer according to the will of God, notice the distinction between those who suffer and those who suffer according to the will of God. Not all suffering is the will of God.  – Commit their souls (give us, turn over, surrender), to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.

“Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit” (Luke 23:46).

So when Christians commit their souls to Him, they leave their souls in a safe place.

God is a faithful Creator, and we can give ourselves to Him.  He’s the Potter, we are the clay.

Faithful Creator:  I’m convinced that much of our suffering, our agonizing, the stuff we put ourselves through when trials hit) is due to our disregard of God’s faithfulness or of His place as Creator. He is our sovereign Creator, with the right to do with us as He pleases. Yet He is faithful and will only do what is ultimately best for us.