Thinking Biblically in a Global Crisis

I wanted to take a few minutes to address the question of how God’s Children should be thinking during this Global Crisis.

These past couple of months have been filled with a lot of challenges and opportunities.  We have seen our nation under a lot of distress.   The world is still under an international quarantine.

We have tried to keep God’s Word going into your homes as a life line of strength and encouragement.   We have used Facebook live, Zoom and lots of phone calls to keep people connected.  So many people are consumed with fear, and uncertainty of the future; so much bad news, so much hopelessness.     Suicides are way up; people are just at the end of themselves.

There has never been a time where God’s Word and the gospel is more need to keep us anchored to Christ.  So these are times of tremendous opportunity for God’s people – to bring the light and hope of Christ to fearful hearts.   This is a global crisis unlike anything I have seen in my life time, what a great time of opportunity.

The Bible always proves to have the only true answers.  Whether it be 9/11, Aids, Ebola,  Y2K, and or the Coronavirus.

But never forget that all this is not Kingdom matters.   All the politics, all the economic chaos, is only temporary for us.  Our focus is the coming of Christ, and He will personally set up a Kingdom of righteousness which will be perfect and we will all be a part of that.

So we can’t get caught up in all the hysteria.

You say so what should my attitude be with all of this.

I Tim. 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people– for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

If you allow yourself to become consumed with fixing all the social issues, or the political issues, or allow global warming to consume you, then you miss what Jesus taught.

2 Peter 3: 10 “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”

You can stop using hair spray and sell all your cows and it want stop God’s plan.

So be joyful, be encouraged, and be hopeful, why?  Because God is bigger than all this.  He’s bigger than this virus; He’s bigger than global warming, and all the rest.

God’s people see the world from a divine perspective.    All of this will pass but not until God’s purposes have been served.

What people learn from calamity is that you are going to die and you don’t know when.  Calamity brings people to realize how little control they actually have over their lives.

Jesus said, “come unto me all ye who are heavy laden and I’ll give you rest.   This virus has brought a heavy burden on people.  Christ is the answer.    The people, who can’t find rest, can come to Christ. 

Death is all around us, this culture is also very dark.  People don’t have meaningful relationships. Marriages are disasters, families are in disarray.   Kids are left to themselves, they are never disciplined.  So what you get is a rebel.

Notice that with this virus and people stuck in the home, domestic violence has increased tremendously.   What this virus has done is remove all the crutches that people leaned on to survive.  Life without Christ is dark.  So people have found escapes, to cope.    There are no sports, the bars aren’t open, they can’t get their drugs, they can’t go to the movies, and nothing is there to fill the voids.

Our job is to help them, to shine light into the darkness.   Give them the light of the gospel so that they can have the same joy that you have.                                                                            Isn’t it wonderful, to have such a sure foundation?   Christ is our rock, in a weary land.

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Steve