We believe that because all men everywhere without Christ are lost and bound for eternal punishment (Romans 1: 18 – 20), and because men cannot believe in Him of whom they have never heard (Romans 10: 14), that we are debtors to all men and have the responsibility of giving them the Gospel.   Jesus left us the command to “Go” and witness of Him in every place.  (Acts 1: 8; Matthew 28: 19 – 20; Mark 16: 15;  Luke 24: 46 – 48; John 20: 21)

We believe that to carry out this command, we must ourselves be witnesses by life and word, to tell all men about Christ, and support by prayer and financial aid those who go out under sound Missionary agencies to represent us in other parts of the world.

We are currently supporting missionaries in the United States, Mexico, Jamaica, Asia and South America.